Updating Old .NET Framework Apps: Tips + Tricks to Help Make You More Prepared
Track 2: 19:00 - 19:45 (May 10, 2023)

Do you have some old apps lying around that you have to maintain? Do you long for a world where you could easily use the latest .NET innovations as part of your codebase. In this session we will have an honest conversation about what we should be aware of when it comes to migration. We will learn where we are with the latest in .NET and how we got there.

Folks will also go through some gotchas folks should be aware of when migrating from .NET Framework to the latest versions of .NET. We will also take a look at what can be done with tools, like the .NET Upgrade Assistant or Porting Assistant for .NET from AWS, which will walk us through the process of upgrading your legacy applications to the latest and greatest of .NET. By the end of this session, you will be able to take full advantage of the latest .NET and C# features, and foster better collaboration and developer productivity.
